Remote 3
Dock 3
Remote Two
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Release 1.7.14 - Remote

June 20, 2024



  • Android TV integration:
    • Allow manual app launch with URL / app-id (integration-androidtv#47). Supported in the web-configurator from 1.7.14.
    • Quickline TV app. Contributed by @splattner, thanks!
  • Apple TV integration: simple commands for skip forward and backward, alternative FF/RW commands with companion protocol. Contributed by @albaintor, thanks! (integration-appletv#19)
  • Denon AVR integration:


  • Prevent standby if remote is taken out of the dock (#375).
  • Enable top dock IR emitter when selecting all outputs (#378).
  • Send_cmd object for external integrations (#381).
  • Restore external remote-entities from backup (#382).
  • Denon AVR integration: prevent disconnect state deadlock after setup or when aborting setup.

Release 1.7.12 - Remote

May 16, 2024

Public release containing all beta releases since 1.7.7.


  • Android TV integration: profiles for Philips TV and Dune HD Homatics, new apps. Contributed by @Kat-CeDe, thanks!
  • Support remote-entity in integrations (core-api#44).
  • Major Android TV integration update:
    • Support multiple Android TV instances and French translation. Contributed by @albaintor, thanks! (#253).
    • New media-player features, long-press commands and device profiles (generic, Google Chromecast, NVIDIA Shield TV for now) (#90, #92, integration-androidtv#34).
      • To update already configured entities: click "Reload" in the available entities pane in the web-configurator.
    • Kodi app mapping and German setup translation. Contributed by @Kat-CeDe, thanks!
  • Standby inhibitor management functions in Core-API (required for #136).


  • German translation for cover-entity state "open".
  • Media component image aspect ratio (#350, #369).
  • Android TV integration: update androidtvremote2 library to fix a network disconnection error (integration-androidtv#40).
  • German translations for media-player commands "back" and "previous" (#366).
  • Web-configurator:
    • Removed entities from a profile group do not appear in the list again (#345).
    • Editing of activity GUI is not working after some added commands (#355).
  • Android TV integration:
  • "Prevent sleep" activity option when activity is used in activity groups (#281, #326).


  • Apple TV integration: unique device name prefix for pairing to easily identify paired devices on Apple TV (#362).

Release 1.7.7 - Remote

March 19, 2024


  • Public opt-in for beta-software updates.
  • IR codes for Lumagen Radiance Pro (#198).


  • Web-configurator:
    • Scrollbars displayed on custom icons page (#336).
    • IR-remote button mappings don't show assigned command in edit dialog.
  • Apple TV integration: device is no longer switched on with the switch-off command in standby mode (#349).
  • Denon AVR integration: New commands: dpad, menu, context_menu and info. Contributed by @albaintor, thanks! (integration-denonavr#33).


  • Apple TV integration: "menu"-command instead of "settings" for control-center (#56).

Release 1.7.5 - Remote

March 10, 2024


  • Long press only mapping doesn't work (#94).
  • UI reports old integration version (#338).
  • Apple TV integration:

Release 0.10.0 - Dock

March 8, 2024

New Features

  • Allow disabling the status LED with a brightness value set to 0, except for OTA update, identify, and factory reset indications (#51).

Bug Fixes

  • Disable ethernet LED if there's no link (#36).
    With a link and the LED brightness set to 0, the LED will be switched off 3 seconds after receiving an IP address.
  • Improved OTA update error handling for invalid, aborted or dropped uploads.


  • Reduce LED pattern debug logging

Release 1.7.4 - Remote

March 8, 2024


  • Long- and short-press button mappings support in the web-configurator and user interface (feature-and-bug-tracker#56, feature-and-bug-tracker#90, feature-and-bug-tracker#94).
    • Please note that the additional commands are only supported in the Apple TV integration at the moment. The other integrations will be enhanced with future updates.
  • New media-player features, commands and button mappings (core-api#32).
  • Show network indicator in entity detail screen.
  • Apple TV integration:
    • New media-player features (#56):
    • Multi-device support (#118).
    • Enhanced reconfiguration and manual setup option with IP address.
  • Propagate entity feature-changes to already configured entities, for example if a device supports more features in a driver update.
    • This is triggered if the integration driver version changes, or if the user requests the available entities.


  • User interface:
    • Entity detail screen closed if entity is unavailable.
    • Media player:
      • only update the image if image url has changed (#327).
      • do not clear data if entity is unavailable.
      • button mappings for all device classes.
      • artwork aspect ratio was incorrect in some cases.
    • Wrongly showing failed integration setup in some cases, when setup was successful.
  • Web-configurator: show correct dock LED brightness when set to 0 (#304).
  • Apple TV integration:
    • Only discover Apple TV 4 and newer devices (#173).
    • Improved disconnect & reconnect handling. This should solve the reported BlockedStateError issues (#300).
    • Automatically wake up Apple TV if a command is sent while it is in standby.
    • Fast-forward and rewind commands.
    • Automatically migrate old configuration file at startup and beginning of configuration flow.
  • Home-Assistant integration: correctly report integration driver version.


  • Speed up dock & integration connection logic for Android TV, Apple TV, Denon AVR, Home-Assistant (#320).
  • Entity detail screen can be also closed with long press of Home or Back buttons.
  • Home-Assistant integration: disconnect from HA server in standby (integration-home-assistant#50).
  • Apple TV integration:
    • Play/Pause will exit screensaver and continue playing paused media.
    • Update pyatv client library and other dependencies to fix possible connectivity issues.

Release 1.6.10

February 7, 2024


  • Dock LED brightness not shown correctly in UI (remote-ui#14).
  • Activity loading stuck  (#311).

Release 1.6.9

February 6, 2024


  • Media player button mapping not working in an activity (#237).
  • Media player progress time might go over boundaries.
  • Entity state texts can be translated and are available on Crowdin (#290).
  • Web-configurator:
    - Visual bug when moving items in user interface page (#275).
    - Dock LED brightness setting (#304).
  • Home Assistant integration:
    - Extract and convert color information from received HA light entities to follow external color changes. Supported color models: xy, hs, rgb (integration-home-assistant#7).
    - Connection timeout setting was used as request timeout. TCP connection timeout was always set to 5 seconds (integration-home-assistant#47).
    - Connection state handling in initial setup to avoid restart (integration-home-assistant#43).


  • Info logs for button events

Release 1.6.7

January 25, 2024


  • Device power state handling when switching activities in the same activity group. Fixes for "Turn off unused entities" options:
    - "Always": determine correct power commands of IR remote-entities (#225).
    - "Run modified off sequence": correct order of original power-off sequence commands (#286).
  • Regression in activity groups when adding an activity to a group: activity is correctly associated to the group without having to restart the remote (#225).

Release 1.6.4

January 20, 2024


  • Activity groups: New option for switching activities: "Run modified off sequence" (#64).
    - Run the original off-sequence of the old activity and dynamically filter out power-off commands.
  • Web-configurator: configure, check and install Remote Two software updates (#274).
  • Dynamic power toggle feature in remote-entity. Automatically add a POWER_TOGGLE command if the IR dataset has POWER_ON and POWER_OFF commands.


  • Web-configurator:
    - Show correct dock status LED brightness value (#178).
    - Available entities not shown in last setup-flow step.
    - Backup: Show status display for backup and restore operations.
  • Integration drivers: subscribe_events message sequence order after authentication (#272).
  • Entity group toggle only toggles the first entity in the group (#279).
  • Activity group shows the set default options for "Remove delays after turn-on commands" and "turn-off unused entities" instead of an empty setting.
  • Web-configurator dock handling:
    - Show correct version number after firmware update (#179).
    - Improved error handling if firmware update failed (#54, #184).
    - Show dock release notes if a new update is available.
    - Clicking on the available dock firmware update notification opens the dock information and doesn't automatically trigger the update anymore.
  • Activity states are lost when editing an activity group (#225).


Release 1.6.1

January 10, 2024


  • Backup restore of larger custom IR codesets fails because of size limit.
  • Core-API: retrieve dock status LED brightness setting. Web-configurator will be fixed in a future update.

Release 1.6.0

January 9, 2024

Breaking changes

  • Changed IR code format for toggle & sequence codes. This should not affect many users, since this was a hidden feature only mentioned in the API.
    - The | separator is now used for two PRONTO toggle codes.
    - The + separator is used for IR sequences of 2 or more codes.
    - Manually added IR code sequences must be changed to use the + separator.


  • Additional infrared codesets for set-top boxes and generic TV codesets for: Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Philips, Sharp
  • Settings option to always show battery percentage on the remote.
  • Android TV integration: more app mappings, launch Max, Spotify, Steam Link, Videoland, Ziggo (thanks to Lars-' contribution).


  • Sporadic system freezes related to key presses.
  • IR toggle-bit support logic for RC-5, RC-6, RC-MM 32bit (Nokia32) protocols (#126, #129, #148, #234).
  • Allow saving of activities and macros containing deleted entities (#208).
  • Clear activity cache when editing activity group (#225).
  • UI fixes and improvements:
    - Unresponsive buttons after closing an activity.
    - Inconsistent behaviour for unavailable entity for key select vs tap.
    - Command execution loop when command fails.
    - Wait for previous command ACK before sending new command.
    - Language text retrieval.
  • Web-configurator fixes and improvements:
    - Resource upload: invalid image freezes & crashes web app (#232).
    - Scrolling through available entities list resets to top (#242).
    - Disable entity configuration if integration is disconnected.
    - Confirmation dialogs for resetting button- and UI-mappings.
  • Roon integration: disable album art image logging to prevent blocking, improved zone subscription logic.
  • Home Assistant integration: reconnect to HA server after changing driver configuration, improved reconnection logic (#243).


  • Home-Assistant integration: unlimited reconnection attempts by default (#263).
  • Enhanced logging of activity groups and IR toggle-bits.
  • Linux kernel update and keypad driver.

Release 1.5.2

December 13, 2023


  • Sony TV IR codes (#143).
  • Backup of Denon AVR integration and activity groups.
  • Roon integration crash during setup and zone changes while nothing is playing (#215).
  • Improved web-configurator reconnection and request timeout handling. A reconnection screen is shown while disconnected.


  • Reconfiguration of integration drivers in the web-configurator without removing and adding the driver again.
    Note: this might not yet work for all drivers!

Release 1.5.1

December 10, 2023


  • Preview feature settings in web-configurator.
  • IR blaster in the remote as preview feature (#75).
  • Attention: native IR-repeat is not yet supported.

Release 1.5.0

December 1, 2023


  • Initial test version of activity groups (#64).
  • WS Core-API: entity-type & activity-group specific change-event channels for subscribe_events.
  • REST Core-API: configuration of the overall IR command repeat for a remote-entity.
  • The configuration in the Web-configurator will be added in a future update.
  • This is useful for certain PRONTO codes, which must be sent twice, e.g. for Sony devices.


  • Improve WiFi stability on certain networks.
  • Use / character in IR code names (#187).
  • Icons are lost on macros in UI app (#202).
  • Common fixes in UI app.
  • WebSocket Core-API: don't auto-subscribe new clients to all events.

Release 1.4.8

November 19, 2023


  • Android TV & Denon AVR: manual setup by IP address.


  • Roon integration: common improvements.

Release 1.4.7

November 15, 2023


  • Home Assistant scenes support. Active scenes with the push button entity.


  • Roon integration crashes (#109).
  • Home Assistant & Denon AVR media-player sound mode selection (#165).
  • Android TV crash after wakeup if a rediscovery is started for a non-reachable device.


  • Disable fallback DNS, only use DNS set by DHCP.

Release 1.4.6

November 13, 2023


  • Denon AVR integration for network capable receivers.
  • Multiple zones are not yet supported.
  • Multiple ressource-file upload in web-configurator.
  • Android TV: support rewind, fast-forward, menu and color buttons (device-dependent).


  • Dock firmware update for manually configured docks (#184).
  • Android TV: improved reconnection handling and setup flow. Detect changed IP address.
  • Philips Hue: runtime crashes if bridge communication failed or timed out (#150).

Release 1.4.5

November 1, 2023


  • Web-configurator: activity group management (#64).
    This does not yet include the entity power state logic, when switching between activities within a group.
  • Button to delete current WiFi network.
  • Error state handling when starting activities.
  • Show source list for all media player device types.


  • Crash when deleting entities from group (#147).
  • Entity titles disappear while editing or state changes (#152).
  • Support WiFi SSID names with proper UTF-8 encoding (#158).
  • Special, non-UTF-8 names are not yet supported!
  • Activity loosing button control (#161).
  • Media player power-toggle command is not dependent on entity-features.
  • Ignored button presses, if the command previously resulted in an error.
  • Improved Android TV reconnection after wakeup (#34).
  • Web-configurator:
  • Entity commands with bool parameter (#133).
  • Media-player select_source command editor with source selection in UI component and button mapping.
  • Edit IR codes after import.
  • Reload data if activity couldn't be saved.
  • Improved layout for non-english texts.
  • Missing icons in button mappings.

Release 1.4.3

October 23, 2023


  • Initial set of French and Italian translations. A very big thank you to all Crowdin contributors!
  • Web-configurator contains almost all translated texts, the UI app only a partial set.
  • We'll continue updating the translations and start fixing the UI where texts don't fit.
  • Support for dynamic UI page grid size in web-configurator (#66).
  • Support for media-player user interface item in web-configurator (#68).
  • Edit integration icons (#105).


  • Provide Activity Off command (#125).


  • Increased max activity sequence timeout from 30 to 60s (#137).